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DIY Display "Docodemo DOME"


2018年3月31日(土)以降、JAXA相模原キャンパス宇宙科学探査交流棟の常設展示フロアに、「どこでもドーム」を導入しご活用いただいております。( 参考 http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/visit/ )


Test Projection for Docodemo Dome

Latino Domefest 2016 – Mundos Posibles (Possible Worlds)

Copyright: ESO/Realisation: Wilson Montoya,Music: My Heart's in The Highlands by Arvo Part

Latino Domefest 2016 – Multiverso (Multiverse) 

Copyright: ESO/Colectivo La Hoja (Colombia)  Direction, animation and editing: Juliana Arias Ruiz

Composition, play and editing: Juan Arturo Herrera Polanía

These two movies for Docodemo Dome were created at Katsushika City Museum in Japan.

The left movie shows movement of constellations you can see from Tokyo prefecture.

The right movie simulated a rotation of the Neptune.

After axis of rotation is pulled the planet moves as one Earth day for 20 seconds.

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